Importing leads and free trials

Importing lead and trial data into ChartMogul lets you benefit from the following Leads and Conversion charts.

LeadsCharts the number of individuals or businesses who have entered your sales pipeline (and may eventually become subscribers) over time
Free TrialsCharts the number of individuals or businesses who have started free trials over time.
Trial-to-Paid Conversion RateCharts the percentage of customers who start a trial and subsequently subscribe.
Pipeline Funnel AnalysisProvides an overview of your sales funnel and gives insight into how effectively your business is converting leads.
Average Sales Cycle LengthCharts the average number of days it takes for a lead to become a subscriber over time.

Do I need to set up lead tracking in ChartMogul?

ChartMogul imports lead and trial data automatically from select integrations, including Stripe, Braintree and Recurly. View the full list here. If you track leads using one of these integrations, then no additional setup is required.

If you need to set up lead and trial tracking in ChartMogul, the method you'll use depends on how you import your customer data:

Tracking leads and free trials using the ChartMogul API

If you've built an integration using our API to import your customers into ChartMogul, track leads and free trials by including two additional fields on all customer records:

  • lead_created_at - Time at which this customer was established as a lead.
  • free_trial_started_at - Time at which this customer started a free trial of your product or service.
# Create a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

curl -X POST "" \
     -u YOUR_API_KEY: \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
            "data_source_uuid": "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
            "external_id": "cus_0001",
            "name": "Adam Smith",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "country": "US",
            "lead_created_at": "2015-11-01 00:00:00",
            "free_trial_started_at": "2015-11-02 00:00:00"
# Create a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

  data_source_uuid: "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  external_id: "cus_0001",
  name: "Adam Smith",
  email: "[email protected]",
  country: "US",
  city: "New York",
  lead_created_at: Time.utc(2015, 10, 14),
  free_trial_started_at: Time.utc(2015, 11, 1),
// Create a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

ChartMogul.Customer.create(config, {
  data_source_uuid: "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  external_id: "cus_0001",
  name: "Adam Smith",
  email: "[email protected]",
  country: "US",
  city: "New York",
  lead_created_at: "2015-10-14",
  free_trial_started_at: "2015-11-01",
// Create a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

  "data_source_uuid" => "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  "external_id" => "cus_0001",
  "name" => "Adam Smith",
  "email" => "[email protected]",
  "country" => "US",
  "city" => "New York",
  "lead_created_at" => "2015-10-14",
  "free_trial_started_at" => "2015-11-01"
// Create a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

  DataSourceUUID:     "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  ExternalID:         "cus_0001",
  Name:               "Adam Smith",
  Email:              "[email protected]",
  Country:            "US",
  City:               "New York",
  LeadCreatedAt:      "2015-10-14",
  FreeTrialStartedAt: "2015-11-01",
# Create a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

    "data_source_uuid": "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
    "external_id": "cus_0001",
    "name": "Adam Smith",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "country": "US",
    "city": "New York",
    "lead_created_at": "2015-10-14",
    "free_trial_started_at": "2015-11-01",

Next, populate the lead and free trial timestamps for customers you've already imported into ChartMogul using the update a customer endpoint.

# Update a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

curl -X PATCH "" \
     -u YOUR_API_KEY: \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
            "lead_created_at": "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
            "free_trial_started_at" : "2015-06-13 15:45:13"
# Update a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

customer = Customer.retrieve("cus_ab223d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e234571")

customer.lead_created_at = Time.utc(2015, 1, 1)

customer.free_trial_started_at = Time.utc(2015, 6, 13, 15, 45, 13)

// Update a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

const customerUuid = "cus_ab223d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e234571";

const data = {
  lead_created_at: "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
  free_trial_started_at: "2015-06-13 15:45:13",

ChartMogul.Customer.modify(config, customerUuid, data);
// Update a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

  ["customer_uuid" => "cus_ab223d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e234571"],
    "lead_created_at" => "2015-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "free_trial_started_at" => "2015-06-13T15:45:13.000Z"
// Update a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

  LeadCreatedAt:      "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
  FreeTrialStartedAt: "2015-06-13 15:45:13",
}, "cus_ab223d54-75b4-431b-adb2-eb6b9e234571")
# Update a customer with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

    "lead_created_at": "2015-01-01 00:00:00",
    "free_trial_started_at": "2015-06-13 15:45:13",

That's it. Once you complete the above steps, you've set up lead tracking and have access to our Leads and Conversion charts.


How can I accurately report inbound leads that start as free trials?

For SaaS businesses, it's typical to have inbound leads start as free trials. For such leads, simply set the timestamp for free_trial_started_at. If this timestamp is set, and lead_created_at is empty, then ChartMogul will automatically set lead_created_at to the same value, so both fields have the same timestamp. This will accurately report leads that start as free trials.


Set lead and free trial timestamps upon creation

We highly recommend importing leads and free trials into your ChartMogul account as soon as they are created to ensure you have the most accurate real-time measurement of your trial-to-paid conversion rate and sales cycle length.

Tracking leads and trials outside an integration

If you store lead and trial data outside of your integration (such as a database or the backend of your SaaS product), or if ChartMogul does not import leads and trials from your integration (such as PayPal), set up lead tracking and use the merge customers endpoint for accurate reporting.

Let's imagine that your business is using their own database to track leads, and manages subscriptions using Stripe. The following customer journey occurs:

  • You meet Adam Smith at a conference, and he's interested in your product. A lead record is created in your database on January 5th, 2016.
  • After lead nurturing, Adam signs up for a free trial of your product on February 10th, 2016.
  • Adam likes your product and purchases a monthly subscription on February 25th, 2016 using Stripe.

Note: this tutorial uses the following UUIDs:

  • The "Leads" custom data source: ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430
  • Adam Smith (lead record): cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7
  • Adam Smith (paying customer record): cus_ba1ca03c-9d09-11e5-b921-4318215bcbf6

To enable lead and trial reporting for Adam Smith in ChartMogul:

1. Create a custom data source

First, create a custom data source to track leads in ChartMogul:

  1. Navigate to to Settings & Data > Sources.
  2. Click ADD SOURCE.
  3. Select Custom Source.
  4. Specify a name for the data source, such as “Leads”.
  5. Click NEXT.

ChartMogul creates the custom data source and generates a unique UUID. You can find this UUID in the source's setup dialog. Make a note of this UUID for the next steps.

2. Create a customer


Next, we'll create the customer in ChartMogul. When a lead is imported, ChartMogul creates a customer record. For Adam Smith, use the custom data source you created in the step 1 and create a customer record in ChartMogul on January 5th, 2016.

Set the external_id for this customer record as the unique identifier from your database. For Adam Smith, let's say the unique identifier is cus_0001.

# Create a customer record for Adam Smith with lead_created_at

curl -X POST "" \
     -u YOUR_API_KEY: \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
            "data_source_uuid": "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
            "external_id": "cus_0001",
            "name": "Adam Smith",
            "email": "[email protected]",
            "country": "US",
            "lead_created_at": "2016-01-05 00:00:00"
# Create a customer record for Adam Smith with lead_created_at

  data_source_uuid: "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  external_id: "cus_0001",
  name: "Adam Smith",
  email: "[email protected]",
  country: "US",
  lead_created_at: Time.utc(2016, 1, 5),
// Create a customer record for Adam Smith with lead_created_at

ChartMogul.Customer.create(config, {
  data_source_uuid: "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  external_id: "cus_0001",
  name: "Adam Smith",
  email: "[email protected]",
  country: "US",
  lead_created_at: "2016-01-05",
// Create a customer record for Adam Smith with lead_created_at

  "data_source_uuid" => "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  "external_id" => "cus_0001",
  "name" => "Adam Smith",
  "email" => "[email protected]",
  "country" => "US",
  "city" => "New York",
  "lead_created_at" => "2016-01-05"
// Create a customer record for Adam Smith with lead_created_at

  DataSourceUUID: "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  ExternalID:     "cus_0001",
  Name:           "Adam Smith",
  Email:          "[email protected]",
  Country:        "US",
  LeadCreatedAt:  "2016-01-05",
# Create a customer record for Adam Smith with lead_created_at

    "data_source_uuid": "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
    "external_id": "cus_0001",
    "name": "Adam Smith",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "country": "US",
    "lead_created_at": "2016-01-05",

3. Update the customer when they start a free trial

This step is specific to the customer journey in this example. Skip this step if:

  • You do not want to track free trials in ChartMogul.
  • You do not offer free trials of your product or service.
  • Your only source of leads is through trials, and you set the free_trial_started_at date when creating the customer.

The previous step will have returned the full data for the newly created customer, including a new UUID. This UUID is used to refer to the customer when interfacing with the API, so we'll need it to update the free_trial_started_at field for Adam.

# Update the customer record with free_trial_started_at

curl -X PATCH "" \
     -u YOUR_API_KEY: \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d '{
            "free_trial_started_at" : "2016-02-10 05:15:10"
# Update the customer record with free_trial_started_at

customer = Customer.retrieve("cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7")

customer.free_trial_started_at = Time.utc(2016, 2, 10, 5, 15, 10)

// Update the customer record with free_trial_started_at

const customerUuid = "cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7";

const data = {
  free_trial_started_at: "2016-02-10 05:15:10",

ChartMogul.Customer.modify(config, customerUuid, data);
// Update the customer record with lead_created_at and free_trial_started_at

  ["customer_uuid" => "cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7"],
  ["free_trial_started_at" => "2016-02-10T05:15:10.000Z"]
// Update the customer record with free_trial_started_at

  FreeTrialStartedAt: "2016-02-10 05:15:10",
}, "cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7")
# Update the customer record with free_trial_started_at

  data={"free_trial_started_at": "2016-02-10 05:15:10"},

4. Identify the lead and paying customer records

When Adam Smith pays for his monthly subscription on February 25th, 2016, ChartMogul receives a webhook with this information from Stripe. ChartMogul creates a new customer record for Adam using the Stripe source in your ChartMogul account and classifies Adam Smith as Active.


When your servers receive notification of successful payment from Stripe, use the information to identify and retrieve Adam Smith's lead record and the paying customer record from ChartMogul.

To identify them, first, we'll fetch the customer that we manually imported as a lead, through the external_id from your database:

# Identify and retrieve the lead record using the data_source_UUID and external_id

curl -X GET "" \
     -u YOUR_API_KEY:
# Identify and retrieve the lead record using the data_source_UUID and external_id

  data_source_uuid: "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  external_id: "cus_0001",
// Identify and retrieve the lead record using the data_source_UUID and external_id

ChartMogul.Customer.all(config, {
  data_source_uuid: "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  external_id: "cus_0001",
// Identify and retrieve the lead record using the data_source_UUID and external_id

  "data_source_uuid" => "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  "external_id" => "cus_0001"
// Identify and retrieve the lead record using the data_source_UUID and external_id

  DataSourceUUID: "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
  ExternalID:     "cus_0001",
# Identify and retrieve the lead record using the data_source_UUID and external_id

    "data_source_uuid": "ds_fef05d54-47b4-431b-aed2-eb6b9e545430",
    "external_id": "cus_0001",

Also, we need the customer generated by the integration (Stripe, in this case) using Stripe's external_id:

# Identify and retrieve the paying customer record using the customer ID
# returned by Stripe for Adam Smith

curl -X GET "" \
     -u YOUR_API_KEY:
# Identify and retrieve the paying customer record using the customer ID
# returned by Stripe for Adam Smith

ChartMogul::Customer.all(external_id: "cus_9TSLDKbqG2iKgK")
// Identify and retrieve the paying customer record using the customer ID
// returned by Stripe for Adam Smith

ChartMogul.Customer.all(config, {
  external_id: "cus_9TSLDKbqG2iKgK",
// Identify and retrieve the paying customer record using the customer ID
// returned by Stripe for Adam Smith

// Identify and retrieve the paying customer record using the customer ID
// returned by Stripe for Adam Smith

  ExternalID: "cus_9TSLDKbqG2iKgK",
# Identify and retrieve the paying customer record using the customer ID
# returned by Stripe for Adam Smith

chartmogul.Customer.all(config, data={"external_id": "cus_9TSLDKbqG2iKgK"})


Customer retrieval latency

It can take ChartMogul up to ten minutes to process webhooks from integrations. Therefore, you may need to retry the customer retrieval request. We recommend building in a lookup retry every minute until successful, for about 20 minutes. If you are not able to successfully retrieve the customer within 20 minutes, and can confirm that the payment has gone through successfully in the integration, please contact support.

When you retrieve the above records from the API, ChartMogul returns UUIDs for each record. We'll use these customer UUIDs (one for the lead record, and one for the paying customer record) to merge them.

5. Merge the lead and paying customer records

Now that we have the customer UUIDs of the two records for Adam Smith in your ChartMogul account, we'll merge the lead record into the paying customer record.

# Merge the customer records using customer UUIDs

curl -X POST "" \
     -u YOUR_API_KEY:
     -H "Content-Type: application/json"
     -d '{
            "from": {"customer_uuid": "cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7"},
            "into": {"customer_uuid": "cus_ba1ca03c-9d09-11e5-b921-4318215bcbf6"}
# Merge the customer records using customer UUIDs

from_customer = ChartMogul::Customer.retrieve("cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7")

into_customer = ChartMogul::Customer.retrieve("cus_ba1ca03c-9d09-11e5-b921-4318215bcbf6")

// Merge the customer records using customer UUIDs

ChartMogul.Customer.merge(config, {
  from: {
    customer_uuid: "cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7",
  into: {
    customer_uuid: "cus_ba1ca03c-9d09-11e5-b921-4318215bcbf6",
// Merge the customer records using customer UUIDs

  ["customer_uuid" => "cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7"],
  ["customer_uuid" => "cus_ba1ca03c-9d09-11e5-b921-4318215bcbf6"]
// Merge the customer records using customer UUIDs

  From: cm.CustID{CustomerUUID: "cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7"},
  To:   cm.CustID{CustomerUUID: "cus_ba1ca03c-9d09-11e5-b921-4318215bcbf6"},
# Merge the customer records using customer UUIDs

    "from": {"customer_uuid": "cus_f466e33d-ff2b-4a11-8f85-417eb02157a7"},
    "into": {"customer_uuid": "cus_ba1ca03c-9d09-11e5-b921-4318215bcbf6"},


Additional data for merged customers in an invoice

When an invoice is sent for a customer that has been merged, the invoice object is required to contain customer_external_id and data_source_uuid. These fields determine which customer of the merged records receives invoice data. For more information, see the Merge Customers endpoint.

Next Steps

Head over to your ChartMogul account and make use of Leads and Conversion charts.

Add contacts to your customers using the create a contact endpoint.


Make trial-to-paid conversion rates more meaningful with cohorts. Learn more on our help center.