Destination datasets
Here’s a detailed reference of datasets available for destinations:
Source Data
Contact Custom Attributes
Field name | Field type | Description |
CONTACT_ID | String | The ID of the contact this custom attribute is associated with. |
The name of the custom attribute. Accepts alphanumeric characters
and underscores. Contact custom attribute names have the contact. prefix, for example, contact.preferred_communication .
The data type of the custom attribute. One of String , Integer , Decimal , Timestamp or Boolean .
VALUE | String | The value of the custom attribute. Should be of the specified data type. |
SOURCE | String | Information about the source of the current value: who updated it or where it was imported from. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this custom attribute was created. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this custom attribute was updated. |
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | String | The internal ChartMogul ID of the contact object. |
DATA_SOURCE_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the source for the customer to whom this contact belongs. |
DATA_SOURCE_CUSTOMER_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The external ID of the customer to whom this contact belongs. |
FIRST_NAME | String | The first name of the contact. |
LAST_NAME | String | The last name of the contact. |
TITLE | String | The job title of the contact. |
String | The email address of the contact. | |
PHONE | String | The phone number of the contact. |
LINKED_IN | String | The URL of the contact’s LinkedIn profile. |
NOTE | String | Additional notes or comments about the contact. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this contact was created in ChartMogul. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this contact was updated in ChartMogul. |
Currency Rates
Field name | Field type | Description |
RATE_DAY | String | The UTC date of the currency exchange. |
RATE | Double | The currency exchange rate. |
CURRENCY_FROM | String | The currency you’re converting from. |
CURRENCY_TO | String | The currency you’re converting to. |
Custom Attributes
Field name | Field type | Description |
CUSTOMER_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the customer this custom attribute is associated with. |
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME | String | The name of the custom attribute. Accepts alphanumeric characters and underscores. Customer custom attribute names have the custom. prefix, for example, custom.marketing_campaign . |
CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE | String | The data type of the custom attribute. One of String , Integer , Decimal , Timestamp or Boolean . |
VALUE | String | The value of the custom attribute. Should be of the specified data type. |
Source customers
Source customers are tied to a particular source. Each source customer belongs to one calculated customer (a customer you see on customer lists). When customers are merged, multiple source customers become part of one calculated customer.
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | Integer | The internal ChartMogul ID of the customer object. |
BILLING_CONNECTOR_ID | Integer | The ChartMogul UUID of the source for this customer. |
CUSTOMER_ID | Integer | The internal ChartMogul ID of the calculated customer object this source customer belongs to. |
EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique external identifier for this source customer. |
FULL_NAME | String | The name of this customer. |
DESCRIPTION | String | Usually a company name. |
String | This customer’s email address. | |
COUNTRY_ID | Integer | The country ID based on ChartMogul’s enum, provided in the table below. |
STATE_ID | Integer | The state ID (for United States customers) based on ChartMogul’s enum, provided in the table below. |
CITY | String | The city from the customer’s address. |
ADDRESS_ZIP | String | The zip code from the customer’s address. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this source customer was created in ChartMogul. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this source customer was updated in ChartMogul. |
UUID | String | This field is deprecated. Identify source customers using their ID or EXTERNAL_ID . |
Notes and Call Logs
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | String | The ID of the note or call log. |
CUSTOMER_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the customer this note or call log is associated with. |
AUTHOR_EMAIL | String | The email address of the user who created this note or call log. |
TYPE | String | Either note or call . |
TEXT | String | The content of the note or call log. |
CALL_DURATION | Integer | For call logs, call duration in seconds. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time this note or call log was created. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time this note or call log was updated. |
Invoice Line Items
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | Integer | The internal ChartMogul ID of the invoice line item object. |
EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique identifier specified by you for the line item. Typically an identifier from your internal system. |
TYPE | String | Either subscription or one_time . |
Additional information about the invoice line item:
AMOUNT_IN_CENTS | Integer | The final amount charged towards this line item, for the specified quantity and service period, after discounts, taxes and fees have been applied. Expressed in cents (or pence for GBP, etc.) |
QUANTITY | Integer | The number of seats or licenses of the subscription being billed by this line item. Can be any non-zero integer. Defaults to 1. |
DISCOUNT_CODE | String | If a discount has been applied to this line item, then this is an optional reference code to identify the discount. |
DISCOUNT_AMOUNT_IN_CENTS | Integer | If any discount has been applied to this line item, then this is the discount amount in cents. Defaults to 0. |
TAX_AMOUNT_IN_CENTS | Integer | The tax that has been applied to this line item, in cents. Defaults to 0. |
SERVICE_PERIOD_START | Timestamp | The start date of the service period for which this subscription is being charged. |
SERVICE_PERIOD_END | Timestamp | The end date of the service period for which this subscription is being charged. |
TRANSACTION_FEES_IN_CENTS | Integer | The final total transaction fees paid to a billing provider and/or payment processor for this line item. Expressed in cents (or pence for GBP, etc.). |
UNMAPPED_ATTRIBUTES | JSON String | Not used at the moment. The idea is to allow headers of any kind in the CSV file when uploading the data. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this invoice line item was created in ChartMogul. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this invoice line item was updated in ChartMogul. |
SUBSCRIPTION_EXTERNAL_ID | String | A reference identifier for the subscription in your system. |
INVOICE_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique external identifier for the invoice that this invoice line item is part of. |
PLAN_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique external identifier for the plan that this invoice line item is linked to. |
DATA_SOURCE_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the source to which these invoices should be attributed. |
SUBSCRIPTION_SET_EXTERNAL_ID | String | A reference identifier for a set of subscriptions used to group several subscriptions into one set. |
TRANSACTION_FEES_CURRENCY | String | The three-letter currency code for transaction_fees_in_cents , e.g. USD , EUR , GBP . Refer to the full list of supported currencies. |
DISCOUNT_DESCRIPTION | String | A short description of discount_amount_in_cents . |
EVENT_ORDER | Integer | Used for ordering events that happen at the same time. Learn more. |
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | String | The internal ChartMogul ID of the Invoice object. |
EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique identifier specified by you for the invoice. Typically the invoice number in your system. |
INVOICED_AT | Timestamp | The date when this invoice was created. |
DUE_AT | Timestamp | The date within which this invoice must be paid. |
CURRENCY | String | The three-letter currency code of the currency in which this invoice is being billed, e.g. USD , EUR , GBP . Refer to the full list of supported currencies. |
UNMAPPED_ATTRIBUTES | JSON String | Not used at the moment. The idea is to allow headers of any kind in the CSV file when uploading the data. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this invoice was created in ChartMogul. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this invoice was updated in ChartMogul. |
DATA_SOURCE_CUSTOMER_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique identifier specified by you for the customer. Typically an identifier from your internal system. |
DATA_SOURCE_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the source to which these invoices should be attributed. |
MRR_PROCESSED_AT | Timestamp | This field is used internally for incremental dump processing. |
STATUS | Integer | Enum of the statuses:
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | Integer | The internal ChartMogul ID of the Plan object. |
NAME | String | The name of this plan. |
EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique external identifier for this plan. |
INTERVAL | String | The frequency with which a subscription for this plan is billed. For example, if you bill your customer every three months for a subscription with this plan, then interval_count would be 3 and interval would be month . |
INTERVAL_COUNT | Integer | The number of intervals (specified by the interval_unit attribute) between subsequent billing dates. |
BILLING_CONNECTOR_ID | Integer | The ChartMogul UUID of the source of this customer. |
TITLE | Integer | The name you set to use in filters in ChartMogul. |
UUID | Integer | The UUID of the plan object generated by ChartMogul. |
DELETED | Boolean | Indicates whether this plan has been deleted. If it has, it still exists in ChartMogul but it is hidden from the UI. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this plan was created in ChartMogul. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this plan was updated in ChartMogul. |
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | String | The ID of this opportunity. |
CUSTOMER_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the customer this opportunity is associated with. |
OWNER | String | The email address of the user who owns this opportunity. |
PIPELINE | String | The name of the sales pipeline this opportunity belongs to. |
PIPELINE_STAGE | String | The pipeline stage of this opportunity. |
ESTIMATED_CLOSE_DATE | String | The date this opportunity is expected to close. |
CURRENCY | String | A three-letter currency code. |
AMOUNT_IN_CENTS | Integer | The value of this opportunity in cents (or pence for GBP, etc.). |
TYPE | String |
Either recurring (for subscriptions) or one-time (for one-time
WIN_LIKELIHOOD | Integer | An estimate (as a percentage from 0 to 100) of how likely you’ll successfully close the opportunity. |
The opportunity’s grouping
based on its likelihood of closing. One of pipeline , best_case ,
committed , lost or won .
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this opportunity was created. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this opportunity was updated. |
Opportunity Custom Attributes
Field name | Field type | Description |
OPPORTUNITY_ID | String | The ID of the opportunity this custom attribute is associated with. |
The name of the custom attribute. Accepts alphanumeric characters
and underscores. Opportunity custom attribute names have the opportunity. prefix, for example, opportunity.number_of_seats .
The data type of the custom attribute. One of String , Integer , Decimal , Timestamp or Boolean .
VALUE | String | The value of the custom attribute. Should be of the specified data type. |
SOURCE | String | Information about the source of the current value: who updated it or where it was imported from. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this custom attribute was created. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this custom attribute was updated. |
Subscription Events
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | Integer | The internal ChartMogul ID of the subscription event object. |
DATA_SOURCE_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the source. |
DATA_SOURCE_CUSTOMER_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique identifier specified by you for the customer. Typically the identifier from your internal system. |
SUBSCRIPTION_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique identifier for a subscription. |
PLAN_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique identifier specified for the plan. |
EXTERNAL_ID | String | The external ID of a subscription event. |
EVENT_DATE | Timestamp | The date and time when this event was raised. |
EFFECTIVE_DATE | Timestamp | The date and time when this event takes effect. |
PAYLOAD | JSON String | This field stores the currency, quantity and amount for some event types. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this subscription event was created in ChartMogul. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this subscription event was updated in ChartMogul. |
EVENT_TYPE | Integer | The subscription event type. Internal ChartMogul mapping based on events from the event lists.
Field name | Field type | Description |
CUSTOMER_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the customer this tag is associated with. |
TAG | String | An array of tags added to the customer. |
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | String | The ID of this task. |
CUSTOMER_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the customer this task is associated with. |
ASSIGNEE | String |
The email address of the user assigned to this task. Or, null for
unassigned tasks.
DUE_DATE | Timestamp | The time when this task is due. |
COMPLETED_AT | Timestamp |
The time when this task was completed. Or, null for ongoing tasks.
TASK_DETAILS | String | The description of the task. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time this task was created. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time this task was updated. |
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | String | The internal ChartMogul ID of the transaction object. |
EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique identifier specified by you for the transaction. Typically an identifier from your internal system. |
TRANSACTED_AT | Timestamp | The timestamp of when the transaction was attempted. |
TYPE | String | Either payment or refund . |
RESULT | String | Either successful or failed depending on the result of this attempted transaction. |
UNMAPPED_ATTRIBUTES | JSON String | Not used at the moment. The idea is to allow headers of any kind in the CSV file when uploading the data. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this transaction was created in ChartMogul. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this transaction was updated in ChartMogul. |
INVOICE_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique external identifier for the invoice that is connected to this transaction. |
DATA_SOURCE_UUID | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the source of this transaction. |
AMOUNT_IN_CENTS | Integer | The amount partially paid/refunded for this transaction. |
REFUND_OPTIONS | Variant | The field is used internally for use cases specific to Stripe sources. |
TRANSACTION_FEES_IN_CENTS | Integer | The transaction fees in cents for this line item if any. |
TRANSACTION_FEES_CURRENCY | String | The transaction fee currency for this line item if any. |
Data Sources
Field name | Field type | Description |
ID | Integer | The internal ChartMogul ID of the source object. |
CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this source was created in ChartMogul. |
UPDATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this source was updated in ChartMogul. |
TYPE | String | The type of system from which customer billing data is imported using this source. Available values:
TITLE | String | The name of the source as specified by you. |
DELETED | Boolean | When this flag is set to true , it means that the source is in the process of being deleted and no new data should be processed. |
UUID | String | The UUID of the data_source object generated by ChartMogul. |
Calculated Data
Calculated customers
Calculated customers are what you see on customer lists. Each calculated customer contains one or more source customers. When customers are merged, multiple source customers become part of one calculated customer.
Field name | Field type | Description |
MRR | Float | The current monthly recurring revenue for this customer, expressed in cents in the currency selected for your account, as an integer. Divide by 100 to obtain the actual amount. |
ARR | Float | The current annual run rate for this customer, also expressed in cents in the currency selected for your account, as an integer. Divide by 100 to obtain the actual amount. |
PLAN_NAME | String | The name of the plan or plans the customer has been subscribed to (including active and canceled plans). When the customer has been subscribed to multiple plans, this is a pipe-separated list of plan names. |
BILLING_CYCLE | String | The frequency with which a subscription for this plan is billed. For example, if you bill your customer every three months for a subscription with this plan, then interval_count would be 3 and interval would be month . When the customer has multiple subscriptions, this is a pipe-separated list of billing cycles. |
NET_PAYMENTS | Float | The sum of all payments this customer has made. |
COUNTRY | String | The country code from this customer’s address as per the ISO-3166 alpha-2 standard. |
STATE | String | The state from this customer’s address. |
CITY | String | The city from this customer’s address. |
ADDRESS_ZIP | String | The zip code from this customer’s address. |
SUBSCRIBER_SINCE | Timestamp | An RFC 3339-formatted datetime attribute indicating when the customer first started paying for a subscription. |
STATUS | String | The status of this customer. One of New Lead , Working Lead , Qualified Lead , Unqualified Lead , Active , Past Due or Cancelled . |
UUID | String | The UUID of the calculated customer object generated by ChartMogul. |
EXTERNAL_ID | String | A pipe-separated list of the external IDs of all source customers associated with this calculated customer. |
COMPANY_NAME | String | This customer’s company name. |
CUSTOMERS_NAME | String | The name of this customer. This is a legacy field. |
String | The customer’s email address. This is a legacy field. | |
CURRENCY | String | The currency of the MRR readings for this customer. |
SUBSCRIPTION_QUANTITY | Integer | The number of subscription seats or licenses this customer has. When the customer has multiple subscriptions, this is the sum of all subscription seats or licenses. |
SUBSCRIPTION_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique external identifier for the activity’s subscription on the activity date. This is usually the subscription identifier from your billing system. When the customer has multiple subscriptions, this is a pipe-separated list of IDs. |
LEAD_CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this customer was established as a lead. |
DATA_SOURCE_NAME | String | A pipe-separated list of source names. These are the sources of all source customers associated with this calculated customer. |
FREE_TRIAL_STARTED_AT | Timestamp | The time when this customer started a free trial of your product or service. |
CUSTOMER_CREATED_AT | Timestamp | The time when the calculated customer was created in ChartMogul. |
MRR Movements
Field name | Field type | Description |
DATE | Timestamp | The time when the activity occurred. |
CUSTOMER_NAME | String | The name of the customer associated with the activity. |
MRR_MOVEMENT | Integer | The change in MRR as a result of the activity. May be a positive or negative number. All amounts are expressed in cents in the currency selected for your account, as an integer. Divide by 100 to obtain the actual amount. |
MRR | Integer | The new MRR after the activity has occurred. |
DESCRIPTION | String | A description of the activity. |
MOVEMENT_TYPE | String | The type of the activity. One of new_biz , churn , expansion , contraction or reactivation .
CURRENCY_CODE | String | The code representing the invoice currency, e.g. USD or EUR . |
BILLING_CONNECTOR_UUID | String | ChartMogul-generated UUID for the billing system in use. |
CUSTOMER_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique external identifier for the customer who was responsible for the activity, if any. |
CUSTOMER_UUID | String | ChartMogul-generated UUID for the customer who was responsible for the activity. |
SUBSCRIPTION_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The unique external identifier for the activity’s subscription on the activity date. This is usually the subscription identifier from your billing system. |
PLAN_EXTERNAL_ID | String | External identifier of the plan related to the activity. |
ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTION_QUANTITY | Integer | The number of seats or licenses of the subscription being billed by this line item. Can be any non-zero integer. |
UUID | String | The UUID of the activity object generated by ChartMogul. |
RANK | Integer | This field can help order activities with the same date value. |
PREVIOUS_PLAN_EXTERNAL_ID | String | The external ID of the plan before a movement happened, which can help you track the plans before and after a change. |
JSON Payload
Field name | Field type | Description |
date | String | The time when the activity occurred. |
type | String | The activity type. The value is always mrr_movement . | | String | The name of the customer associated with the activity. |
customer.uuid | String | The UUID of the activity object generated by ChartMogul. | | String | The email address associated with this customer. |
customer.status | String | The status of this customer. One of New Lead , Working Lead , Qualified Lead , Unqualified Lead , Active , Past Due or Cancelled . | | String | The customer’s company name. |
customer.currency | String | The three-letter currency code of the currency of the customer’s MRR readings, e.g. USD , EUR , GBP . Refer to the full list of supported currencies.
customer.current_arr | Integer | The customer’s current ARR, expressed in cents. Divide by 100 to obtain the actual amount. |
customer.current_mrr | Integer | The customer’s current MRR, expressed in cents. Divide by 100 to obtain the actual amount. |
customer.external_id | String | The unique external identifier for this customer. |
customer.external_ids | Array of strings | An array containing the unique external identifiers of all customer records that have been merged into this customer. |
customer.currency_symbol | String | Text representation to display the currency of the customer’s MRR readings, e.g. $ or € . |
customer.data_source_uuid | String | The ChartMogul UUID of the source of this customer. |
description | String | The activity’s description, for example, purchased the Silver Monthly plan . |
subscription.external_id | String | The unique identifier for the subscription associated with the activity. |
movement_type | String |
The type of the MRR movement. One of new_biz , churn , expansion , contraction or reactivation .
account_currency | String | The three-letter currency code of the currency associated with this ChartMogul account, e.g. USD , EUR , GBP . Refer to the full list of supported currencies. |
invoice_currency | String | The three-letter currency code of the currency in which the invoice is billed, e.g. USD , EUR , GBP . Refer to the full list of supported currencies. |
account_currency_symbol | String | Text representation to display the currency associated with this ChartMogul account, e.g. $ or € . |
invoice_currency_symbol | String | Text representation to display the currency in which the invoice is billed, e.g. $ or € . |
movement_amount_in_cent | Integer | The change in MRR as a result of the activity. May be a positive or negative number. All amounts are expressed in cents in the currency selected for your account, as an integer. Divide by 100 to obtain the actual amount. |
mrr_movement_in_account_currency | Integer | The change in MRR as a result of the activity, expressed in cents in the currency associated with this ChartMogul account. |
mrr_movement_in_invoice_currency | Integer | The change in MRR as a result of the activity, expressed in cents in the currency in which the invoice is billed. |
Additional Enumerations
Country codes
ID | ISO | Country Name |
1 | AF | Afghanistan |
2 | AL | Albania |
3 | DZ | Algeria |
4 | AS | American Samoa |
5 | AD | Andorra |
6 | AO | Angola |
7 | AI | Anguilla |
8 | AQ | Antarctica |
9 | AG | Antigua And Barbuda |
10 | AR | Argentina |
11 | AM | Armenia |
12 | AW | Aruba |
13 | AU | Australia |
14 | AT | Austria |
15 | AZ | Azerbaijan |
16 | BS | Bahamas |
17 | BH | Bahrain |
18 | BD | Bangladesh |
19 | BB | Barbados |
20 | BY | Belarus |
21 | BE | Belgium |
22 | BZ | Belize |
23 | BJ | Benin |
24 | BM | Bermuda |
25 | BT | Bhutan |
26 | BO | Bolivia |
27 | BA | Bosnia And Herzegovina |
28 | BW | Botswana |
29 | BV | Bouvet Island |
30 | BR | Brazil |
31 | IO | British Indian Ocean Territory |
32 | BN | Brunei |
33 | BG | Bulgaria |
34 | BF | Burkina Faso |
35 | BI | Burundi |
36 | KH | Cambodia |
37 | CM | Cameroon |
38 | CA | Canada |
39 | CV | Cape Verde |
40 | KY | Cayman Islands |
41 | CF | Central African Republic |
42 | TD | Chad |
43 | CL | Chile |
44 | CN | China |
45 | CX | Christmas Island |
46 | CC | Cocos (keeling) Islands |
47 | CO | Colombia |
48 | KM | Comoros |
49 | CG | Congo |
50 | CD | DR Congo |
51 | CK | Cook Islands |
52 | CR | Costa Rica |
53 | CI | Ivory Coast |
54 | HR | Croatia |
55 | CU | Cuba |
56 | CY | Cyprus |
57 | CZ | Czech Republic |
58 | DK | Denmark |
59 | DJ | Djibouti |
60 | DM | Dominica |
61 | DO | Dominican Republic |
62 | TP | East Timor |
63 | EC | Ecuador |
64 | EG | Egypt |
65 | SV | El Salvador |
66 | GQ | Equatorial Guinea |
67 | ER | Eritrea |
68 | EE | Estonia |
69 | ET | Ethiopia |
70 | FK | Falkland Islands |
71 | FO | Faroe Islands |
72 | FJ | Fiji |
73 | FI | Finland |
74 | FR | France |
75 | GF | French Guiana |
76 | PF | French Polynesia |
77 | TF | French Southern Territories |
78 | GA | Gabon |
79 | GM | Gambia |
80 | GE | Georgia |
81 | DE | Germany |
82 | GH | Ghana |
83 | GI | Gibraltar |
84 | GR | Greece |
85 | GL | Greenland |
86 | GD | Grenada |
87 | GP | Guadeloupe |
88 | GU | Guam |
89 | GT | Guatemala |
90 | GN | Guinea |
91 | GW | Guinea-bissau |
92 | GY | Guyana |
93 | HT | Haiti |
94 | HM | Heard & Mcdonald Islands |
95 | VA | Holy See (vatican City State) |
96 | HN | Honduras |
97 | HK | Hong Kong |
98 | HU | Hungary |
99 | IS | Iceland |
100 | IN | India |
101 | ID | Indonesia |
102 | IR | Iran |
103 | IQ | Iraq |
104 | IE | Ireland |
105 | IL | Israel |
106 | IT | Italy |
107 | JM | Jamaica |
108 | JP | Japan |
109 | JO | Jordan |
110 | KZ | Kazakhstan |
111 | KE | Kenya |
112 | KI | Kiribati |
113 | KP | North Korea |
114 | KR | South Korea |
115 | KV | Kosovo |
116 | KW | Kuwait |
117 | KG | Kyrgyzstan |
118 | LA | Laos |
119 | LV | Latvia |
120 | LB | Lebanon |
121 | LS | Lesotho |
122 | LR | Liberia |
123 | LY | Libya |
124 | LI | Liechtenstein |
125 | LT | Lithuania |
126 | LU | Luxembourg |
127 | MO | Macau |
128 | MK | Macedonia |
129 | MG | Madagascar |
130 | MW | Malawi |
131 | MY | Malaysia |
132 | MV | Maldives |
133 | ML | Mali |
134 | MT | Malta |
135 | MH | Marshall Islands |
136 | MQ | Martinique |
137 | MR | Mauritania |
138 | MU | Mauritius |
139 | YT | Mayotte |
140 | MX | Mexico |
141 | FM | Micronesia |
142 | MD | Moldova |
143 | MC | Monaco |
144 | MN | Mongolia |
145 | MS | Montserrat |
146 | ME | Montenegro |
147 | MA | Morocco |
148 | MZ | Mozambique |
149 | MM | Burma |
150 | NA | Namibia |
151 | NR | Nauru |
152 | NP | Nepal |
153 | NL | Netherlands |
154 | AN | Netherlands Antilles |
155 | NC | New Caledonia |
156 | NZ | New Zealand |
157 | NI | Nicaragua |
158 | NE | Niger |
159 | NG | Nigeria |
160 | NU | Niue |
161 | NF | Norfolk Island |
162 | MP | Northern Mariana Islands |
163 | NO | Norway |
164 | OM | Oman |
165 | PK | Pakistan |
166 | PW | Palau |
167 | PS | Palestine |
168 | PA | Panama |
169 | PG | Papua New Guinea |
170 | PY | Paraguay |
171 | PE | Peru |
172 | PH | Philippines |
173 | PN | Pitcairn |
174 | PL | Poland |
175 | PT | Portugal |
176 | PR | Puerto Rico |
177 | QA | Qatar |
178 | RE | Reunion |
179 | RO | Romania |
180 | RU | Russia |
181 | RW | Rwanda |
182 | SH | Saint Helena |
183 | KN | Saint Kitts And Nevis |
184 | LC | Saint Lucia |
185 | PM | Saint Pierre And Miquelon |
186 | VC | Saint Vincent And The Grenadines |
187 | WS | Samoa |
188 | SM | San Marino |
189 | ST | Sao Tome And Principe |
190 | SA | Saudi Arabia |
191 | SN | Senegal |
192 | RS | Serbia |
193 | SC | Seychelles |
194 | SL | Sierra Leone |
195 | SG | Singapore |
196 | SK | Slovakia |
197 | SI | Slovenia |
198 | SB | Solomon Islands |
199 | SO | Somalia |
200 | ZA | South Africa |
201 | GS | South Georgia |
202 | ES | Spain |
203 | LK | Sri Lanka |
204 | SD | Sudan |
205 | SR | Suriname |
206 | SJ | Svalbard And Jan Mayen |
207 | SZ | Swaziland |
208 | SE | Sweden |
209 | CH | Switzerland |
210 | SY | Syria |
211 | TW | Taiwan |
212 | TJ | Tajikistan |
213 | TZ | Tanzania |
214 | TH | Thailand |
215 | TG | Togo |
216 | TK | Tokelau |
217 | TO | Tonga |
218 | TT | Trinidad And Tobago |
219 | TN | Tunisia |
220 | TR | Turkey |
221 | TM | Turkmenistan |
222 | TC | Turks And Caicos Islands |
223 | TV | Tuvalu |
224 | UG | Uganda |
225 | UA | Ukraine |
226 | AE | United Arab Emirates |
227 | GB | United Kingdom |
228 | US | United States |
229 | UM | United States Minor Outlying Islands |
230 | UY | Uruguay |
231 | UZ | Uzbekistan |
232 | VU | Vanuatu |
233 | VE | Venezuela |
234 | VN | Viet Nam |
235 | VG | British Virgin Islands |
236 | VI | Virgin Islands, US |
238 | EH | Western Sahara |
239 | YE | Yemen |
240 | ZM | Zambia |
241 | ZW | Zimbabwe |
242 | SS | South Sudan |
243 | JE | Jersey |
244 | GG | Guernsey |
245 | TL | Timor-Leste |
State codes
ID | Country ID | ISO | Name | Abbreviation |
10001 | 228 | US-AK | Alaska | AK |
10002 | 228 | US-AL | Alabama | AL |
10004 | 228 | US-AZ | Arizona | AZ |
10005 | 228 | US-AR | Arkansas | AR |
10006 | 228 | US-CA | California | CA |
10007 | 228 | US-CO | Colorado | CO |
10008 | 228 | US-CT | Connecticut | CT |
10009 | 228 | US-DE | Delaware | DE |
100010 | 228 | US-DC | "Washington, D.C." | DC |
100012 | 228 | US-FL | Florida | FL |
100013 | 228 | US-GA | Georgia | GA |
100015 | 228 | US-HI | Hawaii | HI |
100016 | 228 | US-ID | Idaho | ID |
100017 | 228 | US-IL | Illinois | IL |
100018 | 228 | US-IN | Indiana | IN |
100019 | 228 | US-IA | Iowa | IA |
100020 | 228 | US-KS | Kansas | KS |
100021 | 228 | US-KY | Kentucky | KY |
100022 | 228 | US-LA | Louisiana | LA |
100023 | 228 | US-ME | Maine | ME |
100025 | 228 | US-MD | Maryland | MD |
100026 | 228 | US-MA | Massachusetts | MA |
100027 | 228 | US-MI | Michigan | MI |
100028 | 228 | US-MN | Minnesota | MN |
100029 | 228 | US-MS | Mississippi | MS |
100030 | 228 | US-MO | Missouri | MO |
100031 | 228 | US-MT | Montana | MT |
100032 | 228 | US-NE | Nebraska | NE |
100033 | 228 | US-NV | Nevada | NV |
100034 | 228 | US-NH | New Hampshire | NH |
100035 | 228 | US-NJ | New Jersey | NJ |
100036 | 228 | US-NM | New Mexico | NM |
100037 | 228 | US-NY | New York | NY |
100038 | 228 | US-NC | North Carolina | NC |
100039 | 228 | US-ND | North Dakota | ND |
100041 | 228 | US-OH | Ohio | OH |
100042 | 228 | US-OK | Oklahoma | OK |
100043 | 228 | US-OR | Oregon | OR |
100045 | 228 | US-PA | Pennsylvania | PA |
100047 | 228 | US-RI | Rhode Island | RI |
100048 | 228 | US-SC | South Carolina | SC |
100049 | 228 | US-SD | South Dakota | SD |
100050 | 228 | US-TN | Tennessee | TN |
100051 | 228 | US-TX | Texas | TX |
100052 | 228 | US-UT | Utah | UT |
100053 | 228 | US-VT | Vermont | VT |
100055 | 228 | US-VA | Virginia | VA |
100056 | 228 | US-WA | Washington | WA |
100057 | 228 | US-WV | West Virginia | WV |
100058 | 228 | US-WI | Wisconsin | WI |
100059 | 228 | US-WY | Wyoming | WY |
Updated about 1 month ago